The Tuesday after Pascha (Easter) I decided to start my garden. I've hesitated often on this endeavor not knowing where to start. But when I think about a garden I think about tomatoes. Everyone knows that homegrown tomatoes have a tantalizing effect on how we rate our summer. "Did you have many tomatoes? Was it a good year? How did they taste"? When you can't answer these questions, summer is just not right. So this was enough encouragement for me to start. I rented a tiller and with the help of my other half, tilled a large space on the side of the house that has morning sun. We were ambitious and tilled a space about 20 feet by 6 ft. I had purchased 3 large bags of top soil and a bag of chicken fertilizer. We dumped the dirt and tilled it into the ground. The ground had and still does have, a lot of roots and rocks and sand. I was wondering how anything could grow in it. It was exhausting but invigorating. No doubt, a cold beer solidified the experience.
We got very busy and when all was said and done we ended up with 13! tomatoe plants; Roma, cherry, Big Boy, Big Beef and God knows what else. I fear we may be learning the art of canning this summer as well.
That wasn't all we planted. There are 6 squash, 7 bell peppers, 3 eggplants, 1 cabbage, 9 broccoli (we didn't care/know that it's a winter plant?), 9 corn, 3 cucumber, 5 beets, and loads of arugula!
I will definitely keep you posted!
: )
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Location:Main St,Columbia,United States
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