Monday, March 30, 2009

Revithia or Mt. Athos Soup

Revithia is chick pea soup. It is a remarkably easy and tasty one-pot-wonder, filled with nutrients and fiber. Basically all you need are dried chick peas, 2 onions, olive oil, salt and lemon. Because it is Lent, Greek Orthodox Christians fast from meat and dairy, so we are always looking for something vegan to eat. In Northern Greece, there is a peninsula that is dedicated to the Mother of God. There are many monasteries where monks are praying and fasting. This soup is called Mt. Athos soup because it likely originated at one of these monasteries.

Take 3 cups of dried chick peas and soak in water for at least 6 hours. You will notice them swell and absorb most of the water. It is best if they are fully covered by the water until you are ready to cook. Next chop 2 large onions and begin to saute in olive oil. Do not brown. Then add the soaked chick peas (after rinsing). Fill the pot with enough water to cover the chick peas but not more. Now simmer for 2 hours or until tender. Keep checking to make sure the chick peas are covered with water. Once tender, serve with salt and drizzled with olive oil. Squeeze fresh lemon to taste. Note: Never salt legumes while cooking. The salt hardens the shell of the legume and they'll never soften. Enjoy!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Amazing Leftovers

I couldn't resist! Even Telly's left-overs look amazing. Did I tell you he owns a Greek restaurant in Colorado. Actually Telly and Jake, our other brother, own it together. It's called creatively, "Jake and Telly's Greek Cuisine and Wine Bar". They've been cited several times in Wine Spectator Magazine for their amazing wine selection. It's in Colorado Springs in Olde Colorado City. Check it out if you are ever in the area. It has an amazing patio view of Pikes Peak, The Springs' own 14er!

Telly's Gluten Free Pizza

Hi Maria, I made gluten free pizza last night from scratch. The pizza is topped with roasted butternut squash (seasoned with olive oil, cinnamon, cumin and nutmeg), carmelized onions, Colorado Sheeps cheese, and fresh Parsley. I hope you are well. Miss you. Ciao, Telly P.S. I paired it with a 2004 Tsantali Organic Assyrtico from Northern Greece which is still showing great for a 5 year old White.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Beets and Beet Tops

It's very simple. You wash three beets. Cut the stems off and put the beets in a small sauce pan 1/3 filled with water. the beets do not have to be submerged entirely. Add a little salt to the water and put the lid on the sauce pan. Simmer until tender about an hour. The water should be at a slow boil. Next wash the greens that were the stems of the beets carefully. Then place them in a shallow pan. You may cut them to fit better or just bend them to fit in. Add enough water to fill the pan about 1/4 full. Place the lid on and simmer (slow boil) until tender. This may be about 35 minutes. Your fork should go in the stems very easily. When the beets and beet tops are tender, strain and place in a bowl. In the old country (Greece) our grandparents would drink the broth from the beets and the beet tops. I do it all the time. You know it's got to be good for you! To serve the beets, salt, pepper and drizzle with olive oil. Greek style is to add lemon juice and some even raw garlic to the beets. This dish is extremely healthy and should become a weekly habit. Enjoy!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Soup Base

First of all, when you walk into a kitchen when someone is sauteeing garlic and onions in olive oil, you realize deep inside yourself that it will all be okay. The world may be falling apart but this simple aroma brings us back to what really matters. So, I thought I'd tell you just how simple it is to make any soup or stew without adding boullion or canned broth.

It always starts with an onion and olive oil. I never leave out garlic, even just one will add flavor. Telly always (most of the time) uses diced carrots and now so do I. Throw those three ingedients and sautee with olive oil on medium high.

Now I have a secret ingredient...cabbage, either purple or green, savoy or regular. You might not like cabbage and think this will ruin the taste but I say it adds flavor that is not distinguisable. Just take about 1/8 of a head and chop it very small and throw it in the sautee. Cabbage is so good for the skin. It has silicon and other minerals that are hard to find in other veggies. It also adds a slightly sweet taste to your dish. I remember my mother always adding a pinch of sugar to dishes to balance the flavors. Now I just add a little cabbage.

Telly has another vegetable that he loves to add to his base. Swiss chard! Again, just take 2 large leaves, chop, and sautee. This green leafy vegetable is loaded with vitamins and minerals. It adds color and flavor.

Last but not least, one can always add parsley to every dish. Again, the health benefits are fantastic and color and flavor go along with it.

Now you have your base! You can make anything : )


OSTEOPOROSIS FACTS Why eating vegetables are better for you than animal products.

Osteoporosis most affects post-menopausal women.
American women aged 50 and older have one of the highest rates of hip fractures in the world. (Campbell, 9. 204) Americans consume more cows’ milk than most of the countries in the world. Australia and New Zealand have higher rates of hip fractures and are the only two countries that drink even more cow’s milk than the US.

The rate of hip fractures is a reliable indicator of osteoporosis. In 1992, Yale University School of Medicine conducted a study where the subjects were women over the age of 50. Seventy percent of the fracture rate was attributed to animal protein consumption. Yale University researchers explained that animal protein increases the acid in the blood and tissues. The body’s reaction to the acid is to try to balance it by neutralizing the acid.

The body uses calcium to neutralize the acid. Calcium is basic. The theory from the Yale researchers is that the calcium is pulled from the bones in order to neutralize the blood. The calcium loss weakens the bones putting them at risk for fracture.
This theory was first suggested in the 1880’s and again in the 1920’s. It is a well known fact that animal proteins increase acid levels in the blood. Also, it is a known fact that with this acidic environment, the amount of calcium in the urine is increased. “Doubling protein intake (mostly animal-based) from 35-78 g/day causes an alarming 50% increase in urinary calcium (Campbell, 206). Average Americans intake 70-100 grams of animal protein per day.

A study funded by the Atkins Center also found that people using the Atkins diet excreted 50% more calcium in their urine after 6 months on the diet (Campbell, p. 206).

In 2000, the Medical University of California at San Francisco did a study comparing vegetable to animal protein to bone fractures. They found there were virtually no fractures with those consuming vegetable proteins!

The Study of Osteoporotic Fractures Research Group at the University of California also published a study characterizing women’s diets by the proportions of animal versus plant protein. After 7 years of observation, the women with the highest ratio of animal protein intake to vegetable protein intake had 3.7 times more bone fractures than women with the lowest ratios (Campbell, p. 207). The study stated that women with the highest ratio of animal protein, lost bone 4 times as fast as the other women.

Studies show that eating a primarily vegetable based diet decreases your risk of osteoporosis!

Campbell, T. (2004). The China Study, pp.204-210.