Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Soup Base

First of all, when you walk into a kitchen when someone is sauteeing garlic and onions in olive oil, you realize deep inside yourself that it will all be okay. The world may be falling apart but this simple aroma brings us back to what really matters. So, I thought I'd tell you just how simple it is to make any soup or stew without adding boullion or canned broth.

It always starts with an onion and olive oil. I never leave out garlic, even just one will add flavor. Telly always (most of the time) uses diced carrots and now so do I. Throw those three ingedients and sautee with olive oil on medium high.

Now I have a secret ingredient...cabbage, either purple or green, savoy or regular. You might not like cabbage and think this will ruin the taste but I say it adds flavor that is not distinguisable. Just take about 1/8 of a head and chop it very small and throw it in the sautee. Cabbage is so good for the skin. It has silicon and other minerals that are hard to find in other veggies. It also adds a slightly sweet taste to your dish. I remember my mother always adding a pinch of sugar to dishes to balance the flavors. Now I just add a little cabbage.

Telly has another vegetable that he loves to add to his base. Swiss chard! Again, just take 2 large leaves, chop, and sautee. This green leafy vegetable is loaded with vitamins and minerals. It adds color and flavor.

Last but not least, one can always add parsley to every dish. Again, the health benefits are fantastic and color and flavor go along with it.

Now you have your base! You can make anything : )

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